How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets??
How Often Should You Wash Your Sheets??
Ideally, the bed should be made with a clean set of sheets once a week or once every other week. The timing depends on a whole bunch of factors, such as:
Do you sleep in the nude?
Are you a person who sweats at night?
Are children co-sleeping with you?
If you answer yes to a few of these, you should consider changing your sheets more often. The choice also depends on how much time you have for the chore, and on how much you care about having clean sheets on the bed.
If you never wash your sheets, fungi and bacteria build up, too. In fact, one study found that your pillowcase has more bacteria than your toilet seat. Experts recommend washing your sheets once a week with the hottest water possible
To make the job of stripping the sheets and remaking the bed seem less terrible, consider the reward: Later that night, you’ll get to slip into fresh sheets. Fresh Sheet Day is worth the work.
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